LENMED AIR 2019.pdf
31. Financial instruments 31.1 Categories of financial instruments Group Figures in R’000 Amortised cost Assets at fair value through profit and loss Asset at fair value through OCI 2019 Financial assets per statements of financial position Investments in associates - - 4 497 Trade and other receivables 655 132 – – Cash and cash equivalents 70 874 – – 2018 Financial assets per statements of financial position Investments in associates - - 5 607 Trade and other receivables 529 173 - - Cash and cash equivalents 65 270 - - Group Figures in R’000 Loans and payables Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Derivatives used for hedging 2019 Financial liabilities per statements of financial position Long term liabilities - 1 017 651 - Loans from minorities - 42 496 - Trade and other payables - 333 486 - Current portion of long term liabilities - 150 349 - Bank overdraft - 120 397 - 2018 Financial liabilities per statements of financial position Long term liabilities - 1 054 930 - Loans from minorities - 63 832 - Trade and other payables - 308 184 - Current portion of long term liabilities - 112 511 - Bank overdraft - 94 990 - The carrying amounts of the financial assets and financial liabilities approximates their fair value LENMED ANNUAL INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 119
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