LENMED AIR 2019.pdf

Lenmed nursing model and strategy As a Group, we have reviewed our nursing model and philosophy. This model is designed to differentiate the Lenmed nursing community from its peers and competitors. The pillars of the model are the key performance indicators for nursing. They are translated into a prioritised work plan to meet the strategic intent of growth and service delivery excellence. Nursing quality and evidence-based practice The key focus here is on our specialised units and specifically ICU and high care. Evidence-based standards, policies and procedures will be reviewed/developed and implemented during the coming year to ensure that we mitigate any risks in these specialised units. They will focus on patient care, infection prevention and control, the patient environment, and patient experience. Nursing labour hours, cost, efficiency and effectiveness Lenmed has reviewed its labour hour tool to establish a realistic full time equivalent (FTE). FTE informs the annual budgeting process, as well as the hospital and Group nursing workforce plan. All hospitals have used this tool in the budgeting process for the 2019-2020 financial year. In addition to the FTE, the acuity assessment and labour hour norms for Lenmed have been reviewed and the priority for implementation is in the ICU and high care units. The aim here is to ensure that the levels of care and nursing staffing, skill mix and spend match the requirements of our funders. Over and above these two key initiatives, a team nursing model is being explored to meet the current healthcare challenges, disease profiles and funding. Clinical governance report continued THE LENMED WAY — BEST PRACTICE 04 THE LENMED NURSING MODEL T O G E T H E R W E M A K E L E N M E D G R E A T CLINICAL OUTCOMES BEST PRACTICE COMPLIANCE CLINICAL EFFICIENCY CUSTOMER EXCELLENCE CLINICAL RISK MANAGEMENT CLINICAL GOVERNANCE NURSE EDUCATION TRAINING & COMPETENCE + Nursing school (formal education and training) + Continuous professional development + Critical competencies + Adaption programmes (Internal) + Standardised induction for all categories of nurses STAFF & STAFFING + Nursing resource plan, national, per hospital + Retention + Satisfaction + Recognition and reward QUALITY PATIENT CARE, EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE + Management of patient environment, hotel experience, infection prevention and control + Management of the patient care plan + Legal, ethical and scientific nursing care, nursing sensitivity indicators NURSING EFFICIENCIES & EFFECTIVENESS + FTE model + Nursing cost model + Labour hour norms + Budget + Patient aculty + Flexible hours + Scheduling + Skill mix WE STRIVE to exceed the expectations of our patients, visitors and doctors WE WORK as a team and hold ourselves and each other accountable for our actions WE ALWAYS ACT with compassion and empathy WE AIM for perfection in all that we do 60 HOW WE PERFORMED