LENMED AIR 2019.pdf

Group Figures in R’000 Note 2019 Restated 2018 Profit and Loss Revenue 8 2 546 127 2 220 764 Cost of sales (715 256) (642 592) GROSS PROFIT 1 830 871 1 578 172 Other income 80 563 77 729 Operating costs (1 547 764) (1 315 803) PROFIT BEFORE INTEREST AND TAXATION 4 363 670 340 098 Share of profit from associates 12 1 850 1 628 Investment income 5 4 422 8 680 Finance costs 6 (141 206) (105 205) PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION 228 736 245 201 Taxation 7 (53 242) (54 390) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 175 494 190 811 Other comprehensive income Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit and loss Foreign currency translation reserve 76 182 (37 920) Total other comprehensive income 76 182 (37 920) TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 251 676 152 891 Profit for the year attributable to: Non-controlling interests 32 735 32 570 Lenmed Investments Ltd equity holders 142 759 158 241 175 494 190 811 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Non-controlling interests 35 577 35 412 Lenmed Investments Ltd equity holders 216 099 117 479 251 676 152 891 Statement of comprehensive income LENMED ANNUAL INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 91