Lenmed obtains Level 2 BBBEE Status
August 2020 – The Lenmed Group is proud to announce that it has achieved an industry-leading Level 2 Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) contributor rating.
South Africa’s BBBEE program seeks to enhance the contribution of previously disadvantaged people in the country’s economy. With eight levels of compliance, Lenmed’s Level 2 status is
indicative of our commitment to diversity and transformation. The company scored a total of 95.13 points with 99.17% black ownership to obtain the rating.
The BBBEE rating is based on a scorecard which assesses five categories of empowerment – ownership, management, skills development, enterprise development and socio-economic development. “We are exceptionally proud that our consistent efforts across all the BBBEE pillars to augment transformation, empowerment and diversity throughout our organization is recognized. As the largest black-owned private hospital group in South Africa, building inclusion and equality into our DNA must be self-evident and permeate all that we do”, Amil Devchand Lenmed CEO.
The Lenmed Group proudly owns and manages 12 private hospitals in South Africa, Botswana and Mozambique. All 12 hospitals offer 24-hour emergency care.
For any further information, please contact Lenmed Group Marketing and Communications Manager: Michelle Naidoo on +27 (0) 87 087 0600 or michelle.naidoo@lenmed.co.za.